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What can I help you with?


Digestive discomfort


Digestion is a process that continuously breaks down nutrients that enter the body so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. We tend to take digestion for granted, but many people suffer from symptoms that can be related to the digestive system. When the digestive does not work properly, other seemingly unconnected disorders can occur such as allergic reactions, food intolerances, skin problems, lack of energy or hormone imbalance. Underlying contributing causes can be addressed and we can work towards promoting well-functioning digestion.




Low energy and fatigue


Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms that people can experience, but there are many different causes of fatigue. Underlying, the causes are the key to treatment and improving energy levels. Symptoms of fatigue can be migraine, memory loss, muscle aches, moodiness, blurry vision, cannot exercise, etc.


There are different lifestyle and diet changes that can work to help with the symptoms, but it is important to find out the cause of fatigue so we can eliminate it altogether.


Fatigue can be caused by the quality and quantity of your diet, not enough sleep, dehydration, low vitamins, low Iron, food allergies, low thyroid function, depression, infections, etc.


If you are struggling with fatigue and need help to get back on track by identifying and understanding the underlying causes, I can help you to work with you to optimize your diet, nutrition and lifestyle to get your energy back.



Stress is found at the root of many health problems either as a cause or a symptom. Modern-day stress comes in different guises: emotions such as social stress, embarrassment, the feeling of guilt, frustration, bad news, money problems or impatience have as big an impact as the irritation felt when stuck in a traffic jam. Stress can impact our digestion, the adrenal glands' function, and our immune system, and it can induce weight gain. Good quality nutrients, relaxation techniques and improving lifestyle can have a powerful effect on our body and mind to cope with stress.




Low or fluctuating mood


We all have days when we are feeling a bit down, sad, or not in the mood to be social. However, people with depression can experience these feelings constantly, for long periods of time, and sometimes without any apparent reason. If these feelings last more than two weeks and coincide with a loss of interest in work, hobbies, social events and a withdrawal from close friends and family, then depression may be present.  


There is a strong association between nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression and the state of our gut. In fact, the brain and digestive system are strongly linked and dependent on each other. Therefore, maintaining a healthy digestive system together with absorbing the necessary nutrients to support our immune system is important when addressing mood problems.

Hormonal imbalances


The endocrine system consists of glands that produce hormones. These chemical messengers send instructions to our organs to maintain vital body function. This can range from the thyroid gland producing hormones that control our metabolic rate to the pancreas that regulates our glucose metabolism. Our hormones are on a very tight leash, meaning they are regulated under tight control and only small amounts of hormone being released can have a profound effect on several physiological and behavioural changes in the body. Endocrine imbalances are common, affecting 25-50% of adults. Therefore, a high-stress lifestyle combined with a poor diet can imbalance this delicate balanced hormonal function. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance can include PMS, depression, fatigue, weight gain, allergies, facial hair, and water retention.


Following a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle behaviours may help to improve your hormonal health and allow you to feel better and perform your best.


Let me help you to become a better version of yourself.

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